Public Reaction to Apollo 11 Landing (KSDK Sacramento)
Additional Resources:
The Last Cigarette Commercial That Aired on Television (January 1971)
CBC Interview with Iggy Pop
This podcast is a supplemental to Joe's book, "Everyone's Gone to the Moon," bringing more stories from the historic month of July 1969 to life as well link you to additional resources that complement the book (found below the player.)
Episode 5: We Shall Return
Public Reaction to Apollo 11 Landing (St. Louis Dispatch)
David Bowie: Space Oddity
Duke Ellington performs the song "Moon Maiden" which he wrote for ABC's Apollo 11 coverage.
The Time Tunnel Intro
NASA Contractor with the Bendix Corp, Shirley Wildermuth
The World Watches (Click2Houston.Com)
Bonus Episode: Apollo 11 55th Anniversary
Oakland Opera Theater reenactment of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's report on the Black Panthers.
Everyone's Gone to the Moon: The Podcast
Gay Pride March year after Stonewall Riot, New York City 1970
Artemis 1 Launch 2023
In the Year 2525
Zager and Evans
The Archies: Sugar, Sugar
The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Intro
The Black Panther Party newsreel (National Archives)
BBC Science Reporter James Burke on Apollo 11 escape procedures
Battle of Bogside, Northern Ireland
Episode 2: Something in the Air
Episode 4: Not Everyone Has Gone to the Moon
Lunar Module Test Pilot
Scott MacCleod
Easy Rider Trailer
Episode 1: Independence Day
Episode 3: A Music Revolution
John Lennon, Yoko Ono Peace Interviews (CBC)
ABC New Apollo 11 coverage with Frank Reynolds & Jules Bergman